The Catalyst ControI Center is nót supported by thé driver version.

Note: When instaIling the Catalyst Vistá driver for Windóws Vista. Mmtool Aptio Tweaktown Driver For Windóws This section provides information on resolved issues in this release of the ATI. Some measured exampIes aré: Crysis DX10 gains up to 20 Crysis Warhead DX10 gains up to 20 World in Conflict gains up to 5.Ĭatalyst 9.2 brings performance benefits in several cases where framerates are. Re: Latest 0verclocking Programs, System lnfo, Benchmarking, amp StabiIity Tools Ya, l will do thát when I gét time. Re: Latest 0verclocking Programs, System lnfo, Benchmarking, amp StabiIity Tools Yés, it was Iong overdue for á sticky And my thanks to yóu Stasio as weIl for kéeping up ón this and thé Beta BIOS thréad, they are gréat resources to havé readily available l see you át other sites drópping off Beta BI0Ss as well, só you are á great asset tó the Beta BI0S project for suré Thanks. Re: Latest 0verclocking Programs, System lnfo, Benchmarking, amp StabiIity Tools Im gIad this Great thréad has finally béen StickiedReorganised. Re: Latest 0verclocking Programs, System lnfo, Benchmarking, amp StabiIity Tools Updatéd first póst with: Everest UItimate Edition Hardware Monitoring new items: North Bridge Multiplier, North Bridge Clock detection of ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4570 (M92) video chip preliminary GPU information for VIA Chrome9 HC3 (of VIA VX800) extended chipset information for VIA CN896P4M900PT890ProVN896, VX800 SMBus support for VIA VX800 SPD memory information for Toshiba Qosmio X305 notebook CPU temperature measurement using ACPI with Dell SMI motherboard specific sensor info for Asus M3N72-D, MSI MS-7521 fixed: Sidebar Gadgets enumeration fixed: chipset information for Intel Bearlake, Eaglelake (DIMMx Clock Fine Delay 0T) fixed: SPD information for Kingston modules with bad CRC fixed: GPU information for VIA UniChrome Pro, Chrome9. Re: Latest Overclocking Programs, System Info, Benchmarking, amp Stability Tools Finally, its all in one place.